Homepage Integrity Systems
GraphQL C#


A wholly owned subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia, the Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is responsible for delivering the red meat industry’s on-farm assurance and through-chain traceability programs. These are the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program, and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) which together make up Australia’s red meat integrity system.

These programs are connected through LPA National Vendor Declarations (LPA NVDs), which link on-farm assurance to livestock traceability. This makes LPA NVDs the legal document guaranteeing the quality, safety and traceability of Australian red meat products.

The ISC is also responsible for the development and delivery of the Digital Value Chain Strategy which will ensure the Australian red meat industry can make better use of existing and new data. The strategy will deliver improved feedback systems for producers including Livestock Data Link (LDL), along with conducting research and development that seeks to find the best digital technology and database management systems that will strengthen our integrity systems over time.

ISC’s mission is to grow red meat value chain opportunities through integrity and information systems innovation. It is essential to enhance our systems and technologies to stay ahead of our global competitors, maintain our point of difference, and enable Australia’s red meat industry to capture price premiums from consumers and customers who are willing to pay more for higher levels of product assurance.

Our API’s are a combination of SOAP, REST and GraphQL. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response in combination with API Status codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON and XML is returned in all API responses including errors.

For further information about ISCs APIs contact:

Peter Quigley

ISC Integrator Analyst

02 9436 9246


All our API’s require clients to use an API key and include an NLIS username and password.

Your API key is specific to you and your application. Take reasonable care in the use of your API Key and access details.

You can apply for a developer key by emailing

Single sign-on (SSO) provides a seamless way for your applications to authenticate/authorise by one username and password for key integrity and information systems, including:

Using this method, your application can obtain an access token scoped to your application. (NLIS, LPA, etc)

The ISC API uses this as a bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate a call and give restricted access to its resources.

To request a token in production, call the following URI :

To request a token in UAT, call the following URI :

HTTP Request

To get the token, use this code (note the different scopes for NLIS and LPA):

POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]&client_secret=[YOUR SECRET]&grant_type=password&scope=nlis_scope&username=[NLIS username]&password=[NLIS password]


client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]&client_secret=[YOUR SECRET]&grant_type=password&scope=lpa_scope&username=[LPA username]&password=[LPA password]

Note: client_id, client_secret, username and password need to be updated with your valid values.

var client = new RestClient("");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var body = @"client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]&client_secret=[YOUR SECRET]&grant_type=password&scope=nlis_scope&username=[NLIS username]&password=[NLIS password]";
request.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Request Headers

HTTP HeaderDescriptionExample
Content-typeThe MIME type of the body of the request.Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Body

HTTP BodyDescriptionExample
Client IdClient identifier of your applicationclient_id=mySuperApp
Client SecretYour client secret assignedclient_secret=mysecret
Grant TypeWe use Password Grant Typegrant_type=password
ScopeAvailable values include lpa_scope, nlis_scope, mymla_scope dependent on your userscope=nlis_scope or scope=lpa_scope
UserNameWhen the scope is for NLIS users, the username is your nlis userID. When the scope is for LPA users, the username is a combination of PIC and LPA user ID.username=9PROD2G0 or username=Q1KK0786-1005672
PasswordThe account holders relevant password. Eg LPA, NLIS or myMLA passwordpassword=userpassword

HTTP Response

Response Body Parameters

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "access_token" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q...",
  "expires_in" : "3600",
  "token_type" : "Bearer"
access_tokenThe access token returned.“access_token” : “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q…”
expires_inNumber of minutes the token will be valid for.“expires_in” : “3600”
token_typeThe type of token generated by the API.“token_type” : “Bearer”

For other response codes, check the message included in the body of the response object.


About eNVD

The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) National Vendor Declaration (NVD) communicates the food safety and treatment status of sheep, cattle or goats every time they move – between properties, to saleyards, or to processors.

NVDs are a legal document that are key to Australian red meat’s traceability and market access. It is crucial that the NVD is filled out accurately. When users tick a box or answer a question on the LPA NVD, they are declaring their on-farm practices meet LPA requirements, and ultimately customer expectations.

Their tick must be backed up by accurate farm records. This is a pledge that the meat from their farm has been produced safely, ethically and meets biosecurity requirements – it means they they stand by what they sell.

The LPA electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) system is a faster, easier way to complete livestock consignments. The eNVD system is not just a place to fill out a NVD – it is a system for completing all consignment paperwork digitally including livestock assurance and health declarations. The system will be continuously improved to create better experiences for users and add value to our industry’s integrity. For more information, visit the ISC website here.

eNVD Authentication

All eNVD API’s require clients to use an API key and include an NLIS or LPA username and password.

The token returned will also include:

A user must be accredited for a program to be able to create that program’s form.

A token will expire 24 hours after creation.

Visit the authentication page for more information on how to use the auth service.

Supported programs

The eNVD API supports the creation and exchange of a number of quality assurance program related forms.

The programs supported by eNVD include:

Livestock Production Assurance

The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program is the Australian livestock industry’s on-farm assurance program covering food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity. It provides evidence of livestock history and on-farm practices when transferring livestock through the value chain.

Meat Standards Australia

Meat Standards Australia (MSA) is a national beef and sheepmeat eating quality program. It aims to accurately predict eating quality and ideal cooking methods for individual beef and sheepmeat cuts. It is a paddock-to-plate system ensuring that all critical control points that impact on eating quality along the supply chain are monitored and managed. MSA gives consumers the confidence to purchase beef and sheepmeat that will meet their expectations, every time.

National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme

The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is an independently audited quality assurance scheme that was initiated by ALFA and is managed by the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee to provide a Quality System for beef feedlots that will impact positively on product integrity, quality and acceptability and for which lot feeders maintain responsibility.

National Livestock Health Declarations

The Farm Biosecurity Program awareness campaign is a joint initiative of Animal Health Australia (AHA) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) on behalf of their members to help producers reduce the risks posed by diseases, pests and weeds to their crops and livestock through good practices.


What is a consignment?

In eNVD, we call the collection of forms that accompany livestock in transit, a consignment. A consignment can contain one to four program forms and is issued a unique consignment ID by the eNVD system which can be used when updating or retrieving information related to the consignment.

A consignment can be associated with:

When entering the owner, origin, destination or consignee details, the user can also provide their Property Identification Code (PIC). When an eNVD user retrieves a consignment, they will be able to view any consignments associated with the PIC(s) linked to their account.

Consignment statuses

Each consignment created via the eNVD system will have a status that determines

DRAFT - an incomplete, unsent consignment. A draft consignment will only be visible to the user that created it and is fully editable. A draft consignment can be deleted by the user that created it.

SUBMITTED - a sent consignment. Once submitted, only information related to the description of the livestock (number of head, breed, brands earmarks) and the transporter information can be edited. Once submitted, the consignment is visible to all associated users. A submitted consignment can be deleted by the user that created it.

COMPLETED - a submitted, sent and locked consignment. This status is triggered automatically via the eNVD system 48 hours after the movement date. The window after movement date is to allow any head count discrepancies to be made one receipt of livestock at the destination. A completed consignment cannot be deleted.

Forms and Form IDs

Forms capture all the information related to the livestock within the consignment. The information captured on a form is determined by the program owner.

A eNVD user can only create a form for the programs they are accredited to (i.e. user must be both LPA and EU accredited to be able to create an EU vendor declaration).

All forms in the eNVD platform are identified with a unique Form ID. As new versions of forms are published, the form ID will also be updated to identify the change.

As of December 2021, the current form versions are:

Form IDProgramForm NameSpecies
LPAC1LPALPA National Vendor DeclarationCattle
EUC1LPALPA European Union National Vendor DeclarationCattle
LPABC1LPALPA National Vendor DeclarationBobby Calves
LPASL1LPALPA National Vendor DeclarationSheep
LPAG2LPALPA National Vendor DeclarationGoats
NFASDDC1NFASNFAS Delivery DocketCattle
NFASEUC1NFASNFAS Delivery Docket European Union Grain Fed High Quality BeefCattle
MSAC1MSAMSA Cattle Vendor DeclarationCattle
HSSL1National Sheep Health DeclarationSheep
HSG0National Goat Health DeclarationGoats
HSC2National Cattle Health DeclarationCattle

Question IDs

Each form includes questions that help describe the livestock, their movement history, health status or any risks that may be relevant to the receiver of the livestock. Each form question is identified with a unique question ID.

             "id": "3",
             "order": 3,
             "text": "Number of head",

Where a consignment includes multiple forms, the same question may be asked multiple times (e.g Number of head). Rather than ask the user to provide the same answer for each form, the eNVD system links the question ID to multiple forms.

             "id": "3",
             "order": 3,
             "text": "Number of head",
             "forms": [

About GraphQL

GraphQL is a syntax that describes how to ask for or manipulate data, and is generally used to load data from a server (eNVD) to a client (you), or for you to create or request changes to data.

GraphQL has three main characteristics:

With GraphQL, the client is able to make a single call to fetch the required information rather than to construct several REST requests to fetch the same. The client is also able to easily understand what is available in the API and how to request it as the endpoint itself provides such documentation via an introspection query.

eNVD uses GraphQL as it offers more flexibility for developers. The option to precisely create or retrieve a consignment (or multiple consignments) including the information that a user wants is a great advantage over sending multiple REST calls to achieve the same.

Visit the GraphQL website to learn more about how GraphQL works.

The eNVD API is available to integrators that deliver livestock assurance and movement related solutions to the Australian red meat industry. Licensed integrators are transitioning from REST to GraphQL with further details below.

Using the GraphQL API

Must like a REST API, interacting with a GraphQL API involving making calls to the endpoint in way that follows GraphQL rules and the types of the API. For initial learning and experimentation we recommend two use either:

  1. A locally installed IDE like Postman and Insomnia
  2. Playground, a web based interface which is available by navigating in your browser to one of our GraphQL API endpoints

eNVD Request Examples

The following examples provide some eNVD specific context to how interactions with the GraphQL API work. Please bare in mind that these are examples only and queries should be modified to suit your needs, such as reducing the fields in the requests to only ask for the data you need.

Retrieving a consignment

Retrieving a consignment Sample

query {
 consignments {
   items {
     # The consignment number
     # The forms attached to this consignment
     forms {
       # Program name e.g. LPAC1
       # The form serial number
     # The url for the printed form
     # These are self-explantory meta fields that are pre-filled during creation/update
     # The current status of the consignment
     # The current species of the consignment
     # These are the movement fields for all forms
     owner {
       address {
     destination {
       address {
     consignee {
       address {
     origin {
       address {
     # A global declaration across all forms in the consignment
     declaration {
       address {
     # The list of questions for the consignment based on the forms attached (this will be dynamic due to this)
     questions {
       # The question id, you will need ths in order to answer it
       # The question text, i.e. the actual question itself
       # The question help, a long text field in markdown to explain the question
       # The type of the question. This will help in choosing how to diplay the question,
       # If this question has a limited field of answers, this will contain how to display the
       # answer and what the value to send for it is
       # If this contains nothing, then the user can answer it with anything they want
       acceptableAnswers {
       # This is a list of questions that are related to this one, can be n-levels deep
       # When there is no `trigger` defined, this means that the child question is always visible
       # When there is a `trigger` defined, this means that the child question is only visible when the condition passes
       # e.g. if the `trigger` is: `{ id: '1', value: 'Yes }`, this means that the question with id "1" must have a value of "Yes" for this to be visible
       # typically, that question will be the parent question which is containing this child question
       childQuestions {
         acceptableAnswers {
         triggers {
     # These are the answers to the questions presented above. The `questionId` will allow you to figure out what to insert as the current answer
     answers {
       # The question id 
       # The value of the answer
       # An index if this is part of an array to indicate position, otherwise null
// NOTE: The full code of this example can be found in the appendix. Only the relevant snippet
// is included here due to the verbosity

public async Task<IEnumerable<Consignment>> QueryConsignments(GraphQLHttpClient client)

    // Query copied from document
    var request = new GraphQLRequest
        Query = @"
        query {
            consignments {
                items {
                    # The consignment number
                    # The forms attached to this consignment
                    forms {
                        # Program name e.g. LPAC1
                        # The form serial number
                    # The url for the printed form
                    # These are self-explantory meta fields that are pre-filled during creation/update
                    # The current status of the consignment
                    # The current species of the consignment
                    # These are the movement fields for all forms
                    owner {
                        address {
                    destination {
                        address {
                    consignee {
                        address {
                    origin {
                        address {
                    # A global declaration across all forms in the consignment
                    declaration {
                        address {
                    # The list of questions for the consignment based on the forms attached (this will be dynamic due to this)
                    questions {
                        # The question id, you will need ths in order to answer it
                        # The question text, i.e. the actual question itself
                        # The question help, a long text field in markdown to explain the question
                        # The type of the question. This will help in choosing how to diplay the question,
                        # The type can be SINGLE_CHOICE, MULTIPLE_CHOICE, STRING, NUMBER etc
                        # If this question has a limited field of answers, this will contain how to display the
                        # answer and what the value to send for it is
                        # If this contains nothing, then the user can answer it with anything they want
                        acceptableAnswers {
                        # This is a list of questions that are related to this one, can be n-levels deep
                        # When there is no `trigger` defined, this means that the child question is always visible
                        # When there is a `trigger` defined, this means that the child question is only visible when the condition passes
                        # typically, that question will be the parent question which is containing this child question
                        childQuestions {
                            acceptableAnswers {
                            triggers {
                    # These are the answers to the questions presented above. The `questionId` will allow you to figure out what to insert as the current answer
                    answers {
                        # The question id 
                        # The value of the answer
                        # An index if this is part of an array to indicate position, otherwise null

    var response = await client.SendQueryAsync<ConsignmentListResponseType>(request);

    // Now you can use the data from the response 
    return response.Data.Consignments.Items;

In the existing REST API, retrieving a consignment and its forms and subforms would require multiple requests. Using GraphQL this process can be simplified to look more like the below, asking for all information in a single call.

A single consignment request is similar, and you would list fields the same as those in the items field above.

query {
  consignment(id: "C-12341234") {
    ... same as above
public async Task<Consignment> QueryConsignment(GraphQLHttpClient client, string number)
    // You can query for everything as per the above but for this example we only care about the number
    var request = new GraphQLRequest
        Query = @"
        query QueryConsignment ($id: String!) {
            consignment(id: $id) {
        OperationName = "QueryConsignment",
        Variables = new
            id = number

    var response = await client.SendQueryAsync<ConsignmentResponseType>(request);
    return response.Data.Consignment;
Notice now that there is only one (1) endpoint at /graphql which you can query for data from within Forms, Subforms and the URL for the printed Consignment.

Creating a consignment

At a minimum, each consingment should include an NVD. Other programs like MSA and NFAS may be included, provided the user has that program accreditation (program accreditation is provided as part of the authentication token).

mutation {
  createOrSaveConsignment(input: {
    # The forms to attach to ths consignment
    forms: [LPAC1]
    # The initial movement date estimated for this consignment
    # The transporter movement date will be applied in answers
    movementDate: "2020-10-15"
    destination: {
      name: "Joe Bloggs"
      pic: "AAAAAAAA"
    # The list of answers for any questions (partial or otherwise)
    answers: [
      # This shows an example of a SINGLE_CHOICE question being answered with Yes
      { questionId: "17", index: null, value: "Yes" }
      # This show an example of the `quantity` subform being answered a an array
      # as can be seen by the definition of the `index` parameter
      { questionId: "2", index: 1, value: "8" }
      { questionId: "2", index: 0, value: "4" }
      { questionId: "3", index: 1, value: "2" }
      { questionId: "3", index: 0, value: "2" }
      { questionId: "4", index: 0, value: "breed1" }
      { questionId: "4", index: 1, value: "breed2" }
      { questionId: "5", index: 1, value: "Heifer : F" }
      { questionId: "5", index: 0, value: "Bull : M" }
      { questionId: "8", index: 0, value: "Yes" }
      { questionId: "8", index: 1, value: "Yes" }
      { questionId: "9", index: 0, value: "" }
      { questionId: "9", index: 1, value: "" }
  }) {
    data {
      forms {
// NOTE: The full code of this example can be found in the appendix. Only the relevant snippet
// is included here due to the verbosity

public async Task<Consignment> CreateConsignment(GraphQLHttpClient client)
    var request = new GraphQLRequest
        Query = @"
        mutation CreateConsignment($input: CreateOrSaveConsignmentInput!) {
            createOrSaveConsignment(input: $input) {
                data {
                    forms {
                    answers {
        OperationName = "CreateConsignment",
        Variables = new
            input = new
                // The forms to attach to ths consignment
                forms = new[] { "LPAC1" },
                // The initial movement date estimated for this consignment
                // The transporter movement date will be applied in answers
                movementDate = "2020-10-15",
                destination = new
                    name = "Joe Bloggs",
                    pic = "AAAAAAAA",
                // The list of answers for any questions (partial or otherwise)
                answers = new[] {
                    // This shows an example of a SINGLE_CHOICE question being answered with Yes
                    new AnswerType { QuestionId = "17", Index = null, Value = "Yes" },

                    // This show an example of the `quantity` subform being answered a an array
                    // as can be seen by the definition of the `index` parameter
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "2", Index = 1, Value = "8" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "2", Index = 0, Value = "4" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "3", Index = 1, Value = "2" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "3", Index = 0, Value = "2" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "4", Index = 0, Value = "breed1" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "4", Index = 1, Value = "breed2" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "5", Index = 1, Value = "Heifer : F" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "5", Index = 0, Value = "Bull : M" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "8", Index = 0, Value = "Yes" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "8", Index = 1, Value = "Yes" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "9", Index = 0, Value = "" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "9", Index = 1, Value = "" },

    var response = await client.SendQueryAsync<CreateOrSaveConsignmentResponseType>(request);
    return response.Data.CreateOrSaveConsignment.Data;

In the V3 API, there were multiple REST calls required in order to create a consignment and attach forms and subforms to it. Each of them had to be done individually in a sequence such as:

With the GraphQL API you now only need to make one call (called a mutation) as shown below. Note that questions and answers are now centralised, with the answers automatically mapped out to all relevant forms. You also have the opportunity to define the information that you want to receive in return for the successful call, which helps enable verifying changes are as expected and keeping in sync.

Benefits of GraphQL

As can be seen in the above example, you won’t need to:

This helps reduce the number of calls which reduces network traffic and the time to process a query or change. Importantly, it also ensures alignment in the data across all forms.

Update a consignment

mutation {
  createOrSaveConsignment(input: {
    number: "C-12345678"
    answers: [
      # Here we are updating the values for the `quantity subform`
      { questionId: "4", index: 0, value: "Hereford" }
  }) {
    # Same as create
    data {
      answers {
// NOTE: The full code of this example can be found in the appendix. Only the relevant snippet
// is included here due to the verbosity

public async Task<Consignment> UpdateConsignment(GraphQLHttpClient client, string number)
    var request = new GraphQLRequest
        Query = @"
        mutation UpdateConsignment($input: CreateOrSaveConsignmentInput!) {
            createOrSaveConsignment(input: $input) {
                data {
                    answers {
        OperationName = "UpdateConsignment",
        Variables = new
            input = new
                number = number,
                // Since it is possible to delete at an index inside an array
                // All values for the array must be sent to cover against potential deletion of an index
                answers = new[] {

                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "2", Index = 1, Value = "8" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "2", Index = 0, Value = "4" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "3", Index = 1, Value = "2" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "3", Index = 0, Value = "2" },
                    // This is the update
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "4", Index = 0, Value = "Hereford" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "4", Index = 1, Value = "breed2" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "5", Index = 1, Value = "Heifer : F" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "5", Index = 0, Value = "Bull : M" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "8", Index = 0, Value = "Yes" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "8", Index = 1, Value = "Yes" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "9", Index = 0, Value = "" },
                    new AnswerType{ QuestionId = "9", Index = 1, Value = "" },

    var response = await client.SendQueryAsync<CreateOrSaveConsignmentResponseType>(request);
    // Here you'll see, '17' is still present as it is not an array field thus doesn't need to be handled differently
    return response.Data.CreateOrSaveConsignment.Data;

An update looks very similar to a create, where you provide what is essentially a patch of the information you wish to change again using a mutation. With partial updates you just provide the information you want to change, not a complete picture of how the data must be after the change.

Printing a consignment

In a consignment query or mutation there is a field pdfUrl which, if requested, contains a URL which can be used to print the consignment.

Mapping from forms to questions

As seen in the above examples, part of the move from the REST API to the GraphQL API is understanding how the new format of questions and answers maps back to forms and subforms. To help navigate this mapping, the attached json file contains mappings between the two.


It contains an array of entries such as:

  "Id": "1",
  "Text": "Please provide a description of the livestock moving",
  "Form": "LPAC1",
  "Field": "description.quantity"

In this entry there are 3 pieces of information to help you find the form and subform based piece of information, such as how it would referred to using the REST API:

As a further example / explanation of the “Field”, given the following excerpt from the MSA form model:

  "version": "0.1",
  "showTitle": false,
  "type": "object",
  "format": "IsValidDateOfDispatch,IsValidDeclarationDate",
  "properties": {
    "owner": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "msa-reg-num": {
          "title": "MSA Registration no. of owner",
          "type": "string",
          "maxLength": 4
        "pic": {
          "title": "Property Identification Code (PIC) of owner",
          "dictionaryKey": "owner",
          "type": "string",
          "maxLength": 8,
          "format": "PIC_IsValid"

the MSA Registration no. of owner would be identified as:


The final piece of information is to help you map this to the new question and answer format used in the GraphQL API:


Are there limits as to how much I can request in one call?

We trust that consumers will operate a fair use manner, only requesting the data they require at the rate which they require it. An example of this would be a query for the 20 most recently modified consignments for a list. For such a scenario it is generally reasonable to request just the high level information for each consignment, leaving the detail for future calls.

How are errors handled?

A successful request returns a status of 200, however unlike a REST API call, that does not mean your query or mutation was successful. Instead you need to look in the body of the response and check if any errors were returned.

  "errors": [
      "message": "",
      "path": ""

See for more detail.

How is the performance compared to the REST API?

The performance is excellent, however it does depend on what is requested in some ways that can be appreciated. If you are requesting a large amount of data and the resolution takes a while then that single GraphQL query may take some time to return. Given however that this is achievable in a single call with generally no further calls required, the result is greatly improved overall performance.

How can I request form data if we’re no longer submitting the data as forms?

The change to store and manage a consignment a set of questions and answers abstracted away from forms generally removes the need for querying the data in the structure of a particular form. Having said that, you can, if you wish, query for the data for a specific form and the API will provide that to you, mapping from the consignment and its questions and answers format to the form in question. From a consumer’s perspective this means that your queries and mutations in general are vastly simplified, and for the rare case when the data is required in a specific form’s shape, it is possible.

Do we need to use the questions, help, hint and other text you provide within our systems?

It is advised to use this information to provide users with a unified experience and to ensure that the wording surrounding a question stays aligned with how the question is used and what it means. Moving away from the usage of these fields puts the onus on API consumers to monitor them for updates and keep the wording in their implementation aligned.

When I’m making calls in Playground it is saying that I am not authenticated, how can I fix this?

Playground provides an interface to make queries to the GraphQL API, much like tools such as Insomnia and Postman. To make calls to an authenticated endpoint you must provide authentication headers much as you would for a call using any other tool. Within Playground there is a section where you can enter headers in JSON format, located in the version at the time of writing at the bottom of the screen. It is here that you need to correctly construct the Authorization header that is required along with a valid token, and Playground will pass this along with your calls which will then succeed.

Your API key is specific to you and your application. Take reasonable care in the use of your API Key and access details.


Full C# script example


About NLIS

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is Australia’s system for the identification and traceability of cattle, sheep and goats. NLIS reflects Australia’s commitment to biosecurity and food safety and provides a competitive advantage in a global market.

As animals are bought, sold and moved along the supply chain, they must be tagged with an NLIS accredited tag or device from their property (PIC) of birth. In most cases this tag will remain with the animal for their entire life and it is illegal to remove this tag.

If tags are lost or become defective then a new tag can be applied, however if the animal is no longer at its place of birth then a ‘post breeder’ tag must be used. This indicates that the animal no longer has ‘lifetime’ traceability.

All animals leaving a PIC must be identified with an NLIS accredited device before moving, unless a permit is obtained from the state or territory. Each movement they make to a location with a different PIC must be recorded centrally on the NLIS database by people with NLIS accounts. NLIS accounts are free to open and operate.

Using this information, the NLIS is able to provide a life history of an animal’s movements and discern if contact with other livestock occurred. The NLIS is required to facilitate the traceability of animals in accordance with the National Traceability and Performance Standards.

About the NLIS API

The purpose of the NLIS SOAP API is to define how third-party systems can communicate with the NLIS Database:

For the majority of users, the NLIS Database website ( will provide the primary mechanism for interacting with the database: for submitting updates to data, and for requesting data from NLIS. The NLIS SOAP interface specifications details those enquiry/update processes that can be initiated/integrated from outside that website. It provides all the information required for third-party software vendors/developers to integrate their systems with the NLIS Database.

For example:

All the processes detailed in the NLIS SOAP interface specifications are provided to approved users of the NLIS Database, via direct user interaction. This document simply details alternative, programmable methods for obtaining the same results.

NLIS API Documentation

For further information about the NLIS API contact the ISC Integration Analyst at:

NLIS PIC Register

State authorities maintain PIC registers containing details for livestock properties in their area. State PIC registers are uploaded to the NLIS Database to form a national PIC register. Disclosure of PIC register information is governed by the NLIS Terms of Use.

The NLIS PIC Register API allows you to search for the details related to a PIC, or the PIC associated with a trading name or location on the PIC Register.

The NLIS PIC Register API can allow producers, agents, saleyards, feedlot operators or abattoirs to find a PIC:

Sample PIC register requests

Wildcard search

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?SearchText=nsw&Pagesize=2&PageIndex=1

Field Search/ Advanced search

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?PIC=PICTEST1

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?BusinessName=Holding&FirstName=George&pageindex=1&pagesize=10

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?State=WA&Lastname=Basha&pageindex=1&pagesize=20

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?BusinessName=Holding&

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?PIC=PICTEST1&PropertyName=Holding&Brand=5040

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?PIC=PICTEST1&Brand=5040&pageindex=1&pagesize=20

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?Town=BROKEN HILL&State=NSW&Postcode=2880  

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?State=NSW&Postcode=2880&pageindex=1&pagesize=10  

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?Postcode=3310&pageindex=1&pagesize=10  

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister?PICStatus=A&pageindex=1&pagesize=10

Note: PICStatus should be provided as short-codes. 
For example: Active, Inactive, Blocked, Disbanded, Blocked become A,I,D,B.

Query PICRegister API by PIC

https://<nlis environment>/PICRegister/(PIC=WZ100013)

Sample PIC register responses

  "Value": {
    "Offset": 0,
    "Limit": 1,
    "Total": 1,
    "SubSet": [
        "PIC": "PICTEST3",
        "PICName": "NLIS TestPIC",
        "PICRegisterId": 1,
        "BusinessName": "",
        "FirstName": "JOHN",
        "LastName": "DOE",
        "Town": "NORTH SYDNEY",
        "Species": [
            "ShortCode": "C"
            "ShortCode": "S"
        "PropertyTypes": [
            "ShortCode": "PR"
        "Brands": [
            "ShortCode": "5UA0"                           
        "RegisteredState": "NSW",
        "AdminStatus": {
          "ShortCode": "A",
          "Description": "Active"
        "ShireCode": "CT",
        "ContactDetails": [
            "FirstName": "JOHN",
            "LastName": "DOE",
            "ContactTypeShortCode": "PICMANAGERCONTACT"

Search parameters

NameDescriptionMatch Types
SearchTextWords match any of the following fields: PIC, PICName, LastName, Town, State
PICExact Match
FirstName(of Manager)Fuzzy Match
LastName(of Manager)Fuzzy Match
BusinessName Fuzzy Match
PropertyNameFuzzy Match
BrandFuzzy Match
TownFuzzy Match
StateNSW, QLD, VIC, WA etcExact Match
PostCode2000, 2060, 4000 etcExact Match
PICStatusActive, Disbanded, Inactive, Amalgamated, BlockedExact Match
PICTypePR, FL, SA, SY etc (See all PIC Types)Exact Match

Other parameters

pageindexIdentify which page of results to return. Allows pagination through many records.
pagesizeIdentify the number of records to return. Allows pagination through many records.


About myFeedback

myFeedback is a new data platform designed to help producers improve the quality and health of their livestock and support processors to improve productivity and compliance and eliminate lost opportunity costs.

myFeedback provides industry-first combined analytical reports using data from the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), Meat Standards Australia (MSA), Animal Health Australia (AHA) and National Livestock Reporting Services (NLRS). This new system will replace and extend the existing Livestock Data Link (LDL) system with the addition of key MSA carcase feedback data and analytical capabilities.

myFeedback combines the benefits of carcase data and animal disease and defect data all in one streamlined system, enabling more accurate benchmarking of carcase performance.

For processors, the submission of data will occur via uploads of carcase feedback data to NLIS, as part of the normal NLIS upload, as well as uploads of MSA data to myMSA and disease and defect data through Animal Health Australia or via direct feeds.

??System diagram??

myFeedback leverages off the robust data privacy and disclosure rules within NLIS to ensure that carcase feedback information is only disclosed to authorised participants.

Producers and feedlots myFeedback is available from your myMLA account when you have a linked Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) Producer Identification Code (PIC) account/s. For access you must:

and either:

For processors and brand owners, access will be set up manually by an ISC administration member upon signing of the myFeedback licence agreement. Only data that is uploaded by participating processors will be available for review in myFeedback, along with aggregated benchmark data.

myFeedback data categories

It is important to note that the data utilised in myFeedback will be submitted and stored the same way as the existing Livestock Data Link product.

Slaughter data

The basic requirement for a processor participating within myFeedback is to provide slaughter data on an individual animal basis to the NLIS database, via a Carcase Feedback upload. The interface between NLIS and myFeedback enables data to be transferred across to myFeedback for analysis by authorised myFeedback participants.

MSA data

In addition to slaughter data, myFeedback has been designed to enable the analysis of MSA data.

A direct interface between the MSA database and myFeedback has been developed and enables MSA data collected on plant and uploaded to the myMSA database to be automatically replicated to ISC on a daily basis for analysis within myFeedback. MSA data is only replicated to ISC on the express authorisation of the processor, upon signing of the licence agreement.

Disease and Defect data

Animal diseases and defects mostly affect meat and offal, and sometimes the entire carcase, resulting in these products being condemned. MLA research indicates meat and offal condemns cost the beef processing sector between $11.8m and $50m per year Similarly, research into small stock (sheep, lambs, and goats) shows that over $110 million is lost annually through 10 common conditions found during processing. It is also estimated the on-farm sector bears 86% of the cost.

Beef and sheepmeat producers can access disease and defect feedback and reports via myFeedback. These reports show conditions recorded at post-mortem inspections.

Giving producers access to animal disease and defect feedback enables:

Beef data must conform to the national standards which can be found at

NSHMP data

The National Sheep Health Monitoring Project (NSHMP) commenced in 2007 to monitor lines of sheep in abattoirs for animal health conditions that reduce farm profit through productivity losses or increase meat processing wastage.

Lines of sheep are monitored by qualified meat inspectors for a range of livestock production health and welfare conditions. The data from the monitoring is collected and entered into a national database (the Endemic Disease Information System).

A direct interface between the EDIS database and myFeedback has been developed and enables NSHMP data collected on plant and uploaded to the EDIS database to be automatically replicated to ISC on a daily basis for analysis within myFeedback. NSHMP data is only replicated to ISC on the express authorisation of the processor.

DEXA data

In the red meat industry, DEXA technology provides timely, accurate, transparent and objective information on the lean meat, bone and fat composition of each carcase which can be added to existing eating quality carcase feedback.

Sharing the data provided by DEXA along the value chain to complement other industry systems will allow all sectors to make more informed business decisions based on objectively measured information and will place Australia at the forefront of global competitors in the area of producer feedback.

Uploading slaughter data to myFeedback (previously LDL)

For beef processors, slaughter data can be uploaded as a part of the daily NLIS reporting process through an abattoir’s own software interface. If the full set of slaughter data to NLIS is not currently uploaded (as this is not a mandatory requirement under the NLIS Business Rules), there may be a requirement for software settings at the processor end to be modified to enable this data to be uploaded to NLIS.

For sheep processors, the interfaces that are currently in place for cattle will also accommodate sheep slaughter data requirements.

ISC Ltd maintains interface specifications for software integrators, which provide information on how to interface directly between your kill floor system and the NLIS database. Contact the ISC Integration Analyst for any queries relating to these specifications.

Prerequisites for uploading slaughter data:

Beef slaughter data fields

+————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Field | Description | Data type | myFeedback example | +==============+============================================================================================================================================================+=================================================================================================================================================+====================+ | PIC | Property Identification code | Alpha-Numeric, 8 characters in length as directed by State Jurisdictions. | 3HSET006 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Body | Body Number | Numeric, maximum 5. | 43 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Killdate | Date Slaughtered | Numeric, 8 characters (expected date formats is YYYYMMDD). | 20110920 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | LotID | Lot Number allocated by Plant | Alpha Numeric, maximum 6. | 21 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | RFID | Unique NLIS RFID code from EID | Numeric, maximum 16 characters in length including spaces | 983 000140436480 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | NLIS_ID | NLIS Assigned ID (human readable) number | Alpha-Numeric, 15 or 16 characters in length. | QABD0020XBE00111 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | TargetMarket | Intended market for stock | Alpha Numeric, maximum 3. | LYL | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | HSCW | Hot Carcase weight (kg) | Numeric, maximum 5. | 305.6 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | FatDepth | P8 Fat Depth measurement measured in millimetres | Numeric, maximum 4. | 25 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Dentition | Number of Teeth | Numeric, maximum 3 (Accepts 0, 2,4,6,7 or 8). | 2 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Bruising | Carcase bruising score | Numeric, maximum 3 (Accepts 0-9) | 2 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | ButtShape | Carcase butt shape score | Alpha, 1 character. (Accepts ‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’,’E’). | C | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Species | Species of Stock | Alpha, maximum 3 (accepts either C (CATTLE), S (SHEEP), G (GOAT), or U (Unknown)). | C | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Gender | Sex of Stock | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3. (accepts “B”, “M”,” F”, “MI”,) | M | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | ChainNumber | Plant chain identifier | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 2. | 1 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | EstNUM | Abattoir identification – registered Establishment Number | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 7. | Z12345 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Operator | A code used to identify an Operator, usually the owner of stock processed on a service basis. | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3 | DPM | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+ | Category | An AUS-MEAT Language cypher which brings together carcase sex and dentition attributes to describe an animal. Alternative Category preferred if available. | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3 (accept the value ‘A’, ’B’, ’BYG’, ‘C’, ‘PR’, ‘PRS’, ‘S’, ’SS’, ’V’, ’Y’, ’YE’, ’YG’, ‘YGE’, ’YGS’, ’YP’, ’YPS’ ,‘YS’) | PRS | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————————————————————————-+——————–+

Sheep slaughter data fields

+————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Fields | Description | Data Type | myFeedback Example | +==============+============================================================================================================================================================+====================================================================================+====================+ | PIC | Property Identification code | Alpha-Numeric, 8 characters in length as directed by State Jurisdictions. | 3HSET006 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Body | Body Number | Numeric, maximum 5. | 43 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | KillDate | Date Slaughtered | Numeric, 8 characters (expected date formats is YYYYMMDD). | 20110920 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | LotID | Lot Number allocated by Plant | Alpha Numeric, maximum 6. | 21 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | RFID | Unique RFID from EID | Numeric, maximum 16 characters in length including spaces | 983 000140436480 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | NLIS_ID | NLIS Assigned ID number | Alpha-Numeric, 15 or 16 characters in length. | QABD0020XBE0011 1 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | TargetMarket | Intended market for stock | Alpha Numeric, maximum 3. | EXL | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | HSCW | Hot Carcase weight | Numeric, maximum 5. | 24.2 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | FatDepth | GR Fat Depth measured in millimetres | Numeric, maximum 4. | 6 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Dentition | Number of Teeth | Numeric, maximum 3. | 0 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Species | Species of Stock | Alpha, maximum 3 (accepts either C (CATTLE), S (SHEEP), G (GOAT), or U (Unknown)). | S | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Gender | Sex of Stock | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3. (accepts “M”, “F”, “MI”) | M | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | FatClass | Fat Class when Fat Depth measured in millimetres not captured | Numeric, maximum 1 (Accepts 1-5). | 2 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | ChainNumber | Plant chain identifier | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 2. | 1 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | EstNUM | Abattoir identification – registered Establishment Number | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 7. | Z12345 | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Operator | A code used to identify an Operator, usually the owner of stock processed on a service basis. | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3 | DPM | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+ | Category | An AUS-MEAT Language cypher which brings together carcase sex and dentition attributes to describe an animal. Alternative Category preferred if available. | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 3 (accepts “L”, “M”, “R”, “YL”, “H”, “E”, “W”). | H | +————–+————————————————————————————————————————————————————+————————————————————————————+——————–+

Target market categories

The Target Market field represents the intended market for the stock. The Target Market is defined by the processor and can be mapped to the generic industry grids by the myFeedback administrator. While the code mapping functionality means that processors can use their own coding systems for Target Market categories, processors that do not already have a coding system in place may choose to use the coding system adopted within myFeedback.

Cattle target markets

+——+———————————–+ | Code | Description | +======+===================================+ | LYL | Lightweight Yearling | +——+———————————–+ | MYL | Middleweight Yearling | +——+———————————–+ | HYL | Heavy Yearling | +——+———————————–+ | JOX | Heavy Grassfed/JapOx | +——+———————————–+ | LGF | Light Grainfed (60-70 days) | +——+———————————–+ | HGF | Heavy Grainfed (60-70 days) | +——+———————————–+ | 1GF | Grainfed (100 days) | +——+———————————–+ | EUM | European Union Market | +——+———————————–+ | LCW | Light Cow | +——+———————————–+ | HCW | Heavy Cow | +——+———————————–+ | LYM | Lightweight Yearling (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | MYM | Middleweight Yearling (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | HYM | Heavy Yearling (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | LGM | Light Grainfed (60-70 days) (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | HGM | Heavy Grainfed (60-70 days) (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | 1GM | Grainfed (100 days) (MSA) | +——+———————————–+ | V | Veal | +——+———————————–+ | VYL | Very Light Weight Yearling | +——+———————————–+ | BUL | Bull | +——+———————————–+

Sheep target markets

+——+———————————-+ | Code | Description | +======+==================================+ | DRT | Domestic Retail/Supermarket Lamb | +——+———————————-+ | MLW | Merino Lightweight | +——+———————————-+

Disease and defect data uploads

Prerequisites for uploading disease and defect data:

Information regarding the disease and defect specification is documented on the Red Meat Supply Chain Committee website.

Disease and defect file format and transport methods

DEXA data uploads

Prerequisites for uploading DEXA data:

DEXA file requirements

DEXA data fields

+———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | Field | Description | Data Type | Data Type Description | Example | ISC Data Source | +=======================+===================================================================+==============+====================================================================================+=====================+================================================================================================+ | PIC | Property Identification code | String | Alpha-Numeric, 8 characters in length as directed by State Jurisdictions | 3HSET006 | LDL (producerpic) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | KillDateTimeStamp | Date and Time carcase entered the DEXA unit | ISO DateTime | Numeric , 8 characters (expected format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss | 2020-04-23T06:54:13 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | Body | Body Number | Int | Numeric, maximum 5 characters | 43 | LDL (bodynumber) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | LotID | Lot Number allocated by Plant | Int | Alpha Numeric, maximum 6 characters | 21 | LDL (lotid) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | AnimalRfid | Unique RFID from eID (if available) | Int | Numeric, maximum 16 characters in length including spaces | 983 000140436480 | LDL (rfid) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | NlisId | NLIS Assigned ID number | String | Alpha-Numeric, 15 or 16 characters in length | QABD0020XBE0011 1 | LDL (nlisid) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | AlgorithmVersion | Algorithm version | String | Alpha Numeric | 1.12 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | HSCW | Hot Carcase weight | Float | Numeric, maximum 5 characters | 24.2 | LDL (hscw) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | GRFatDepth | GR Fat Depth measured in millimetres | Int | Numeric, maximum 4 characters | 6 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | FatClass | Fat Class when Fat Depth measured in millimetres is not captured. | Int | Numeric, maximum 1 character (accepts 1-5) | 2 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | Species | Species of Stock | String | Alpha, maximum 3 (accepts either C (CATTLE), S (SHEEP), G (GOAT), or U (Unknown)). | S | Can be extracted from nlisid in LDL e.g B, C = cattle breeder device; S = sheep breeder device | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | ChainNumber | Plant chain identifier | Int | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 2 characters. | 1 | LDL (chainnumber) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | EstNUM | Abattoir identification – registered Establishment Number | String | Alpha-Numeric, maximum 7 characters. | Z12345 | LDL (estbno) | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | TotalCarcaseLean | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 55.4089 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | TotalCarcassFat | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 27.7403 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | TotalCarcassBone | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 16.8508 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | ForequarterWeight | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 8.65 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | ForequarterLean | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 50.306 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | ForequarterFat | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 34.9182 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | ForequarterBone | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 14.7757 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | MiddleWeight | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 5.23 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | MiddleLean | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 53.0924 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | MiddleFat | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 30.9988 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | MiddleBone | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 15.9088 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | HindquarterWeight | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 7.46 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | HindquarterLean | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 49.3797 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | HindquarterFat | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 36.2213 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | HindquarterBone | | Float | Numeric, maximum 6 characters (4 decimal places) | 14.399 | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | | Cold or Hot DEXA | | | | | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | DEXARValueForequarter | | | | | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | DEXARValueMiddle | | | | | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+ | DEXARValueHindquarter | | | | | - | +———————–+——————————————————————-+————–+————————————————————————————+———————+————————————————————————————————+

DEXA upload methods

1. Email

The plant emails a specific ISC email account including the DEXA CSV file as an attachment.

The email is required to have a subject line of the form [FILE:file_type][EST:your_ausmeat_number][KillDate:yyyymmdd][SequenceNumber:SN][Reply:sender_email_address].

The values for FILE, EST, KillDate, SequenceNumber in the email subject should match the attached CSV filename and each email must contain exactly 1 attached CSV file. For example, if the filename is “dexa_123_20210101_3.csv”, then the email with this file attached must have the subject:


After processing each file, the ISC email service will send an email back to the plant including a summary of the upload and reasons for record rejection where required.


ISC will issue each plant with SFTP credentials and SFTP location details (e.g.

The plant uploads their DEXA CSV file to their SFTP folder.

After processing each file, the ISC email service will send an email back to the plant including a summary of the upload and reasons for record rejection where required.

3. AWS upload

ISC will issue each plant with AWS credentials and AWS bucket details (e.g.

The plant uploads their DEXA CSV file to their AWS bucket.

After processing each file, the ISC email service will send an email back to the plant including a summary of the upload and reasons for record rejection where required.

ISC environments

NLIS PIC Register

Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200Ok – The default success code for requests that return a valid response in the response body, even if the response does not contain any rows or pagination. When POST-ing a new record a 200 indicates that while the request was correctly processed the record may not have been accepted, the body of the Response will indicate the reason for this error.
201Created – Success code for a POST request for a collection, indicating the record was successfully created. Note: While a 201 indicates the record was recorded, there may be Informational or Warning messages (in the Response body) that may require some corrective action to occur.
304Not Modified – The request content has not changed since a specified date and time (provided in an If-Modified-Since parameter in the request).
400Bad Request – The data passed in the request could not be understood, or translated to into an internal format. Typically, the passed message fails simple type validation rules (e.g. passing a string when a number is expected), or document structure rules (e.g. is a malformed XML or JSON document).
401Unauthorized – This error is returned when the OAuth token used has expired or is invalid; the user attempts to perform an action for which they are not authorized; or if a login attempt fails due to bad credentials.
403Forbidden – Authentication was provided, but the authenticated user is not permitted to perform the requested operation.
404Not Found – The requested resource could not be found. This error is generally returned when an entity with a specific ID is not found in our database. Check the URI for correct format, and that any IDs passed in the URI are valid.
500Internal Server Error – Any internal server error that was not explicitly trapped by the application. An error has occurred within the platform, or the system is not compatible with the NLIS API, so the request could not be completed. Contact the NLIS Development Team at for assistance with this error.
503Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.